One of my favorite authors, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, once
stated that "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way." This seemed
rather contradictory to the common belief that a peaceful state of existence is
a destination we arrive at after traversing the correct path. Wayne challenges
us to view peace as a state of mind, a choice, a way of life. One who is serene
makes consciously different choices in the way they live. Here are five steps
to a more peaceful life:
1. Refrain from judging others. Judgment of those who are
different from us in any way or from what we consider acceptable is arrogant
and self-righteous. In comparing individuals to ourselves or others we deem them
less valuable, less worthy or inherently wrong and in doing so create angst
within ourselves. Once this infraction
is committed, one must then work through the process of forgiveness in order to
reinstate serenity. Remember that we were all created equal by our Heavenly
Father. It is our personal issues that are unique to each of us but we are not
our issues.
2. Be grateful. In all that you do, find something to be
grateful for. Gratitude wards off bitterness and resentment and allows for joy
to flourish. Recognizing all of the beauty God created that is available to us on
a daily basis keeps us focused on the positive, the blessings in life. It also enables
us to find goodness in every situation, including hardships, loss, betrayals,
and such. I am at peace with all that is
and do not feel the need to change anything for nothing is lacking. Everything
is exactly as it is meant to be in this moment.
3. Put everything into its proper perspective. Very little
that occurs in life with worthy of upset. Most incidences are relatively
insignificant and only have the degree of importance that we assign them.
Asking yourself, "Will this matter in ten years?" enables us to let
go of much of what distresses us. In that way, we eliminate worry, fear,
anxiety, anger and other stressful emotions. Trust in God. He's overseeing
4. Always be kind. In any given situation, we have the
option to be kind or cruel. Choosing kindness allows for a more positive
outcome to the situation. It prevents hurt feelings, is inclusive rather than
divisive, shows respect, values the other party, uplifts and inspires, encourages
and heals, and invites others to respond similarly. And, it's good for the soul
(yours and theirs). Knowing you were polite and courteous enables you to feel
good about yourself and at peace with
your actions.
5. Live to please God. Most people do what feels good or
what they believe is right for them. Since our knowledge is limited, a more
reliable source for righteousness is our Heavenly Father. Doing what makes me
feel good in the moment can have serious consequences for me and those around
me. However, when I follow God's directive and live my life in such a way as to
always seek to do what is right by Him, then I never make decisions that I will
later regret or that may cause suffering to others. In this way, I am at peace
knowing my life is a reflection of God's Word. No God - No Peace; Know God -
Know Peace.
As Wayne Dyer stated, peace is the way. But the key to
living a peaceful life is awareness. Just as one much pay careful attention as
they traverse down any path in life so as not to become distracted and lose
their way, one must always keep their eyes on peaceful choices, making peace
their way of life. It's not so hard, really. And it is well worth the effort.
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