My guest today was Chloe Jonpaul who spoke about the FGA
Quotient. FGA stands for frustration, guilt and anger. All are interconnected
in some way. And while each creates an uncomfortable environment for us, we
need to pay attention to them (as with all emotions) for they all have value
and purpose.
Frustration is an indication that something or someone is
not what we desire it to be and we feel powerless to facilitate the changes we
desire. The harder we try, the greater our level of frustration when change is
not forthcoming. Rather than try to force something to be what we want it to
be, we can accept that, for now, it is what it is. Accepting that which we do
not have the ability or right to alter allows us to be at peace with it and
focus our energy on what we are able to change.
Guilt is the voice of
our conscience. It alerts us to the fact
that something is wrong. Guilt can become a destructive force when we get stuck
in it as it will slowly erode our self-esteem. By simply relabeling guilt, we
can manifest a very different, and positive, outcome. Rather than state,
"I feel guilty about not spending time with my children", restate it
as "I'm going to to make time each day for my sons." Creative problem
solving restores our personal power and provides hope that the situation will
Anger is not a bad emotion as many believe. In fact, is can
be a very motivating force to bring about positive change. Anger is a messenger
of sorts, warning us that something is amiss and needs our attention. Once
we've received the message, we can direct all of our time, energy, and
resources into creating a positive outcome.
Very often people seek to immediately alleviate themselves
of uncomfortable feelings. However, it is imperative to spend some time with
them, discover what they are here to tell us about ourselves or the situation,
and choose to use each one as a motivator of transformation. Frustration, guilt,
and anger can be beneficial if we choose to use them as such.
Share your thoughts below.
You can learn more about Chloe Jonpaul by visiting her
website, .
Order your copy of The Secret Side of Anger @
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