Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A World Gone Mad! and My Response to Anti-Christmas Billboard

Sometimes I feel as though I am Alice in Not-So Wonderful Land - a place where everything is topsy-turvy and upside down, where nothing makes any sense anymore; where good is bad, right is wrong, ugly and beauty have traded places and where goodness is criticized and evil glorified. Common sense and moral values have taken a back seat to political correctness and an "anything goes" mentality. Children terrorizing families and schools; shooters massacring dozens of innocent people in public places; politicians sexual encounters being broadcast on social media like the local news and still garnering public favor. It's a world gone mad! What has happened to good old-fashioned, time-honored traditions of good values, respect for human life, moral and ethical behaviors from our church and world leaders, good manners, respecting our elders, consideration of others, and personal responsibility and accountability?

Today, no one is obligated to consider the others feelings, no one is held accountable for their bad behavior (it's always someone else's fault), we can say what we want and do what we want without concern for laws, other people's feelings or their rights. And we believe we should have what we want when we want it and without having to work for it. And if we don't get our way all hell will break loose.

While some may argue that these changes are simply a sign of the changing times, there is a much larger issue that must be considered. While these changes are serious enough on a personal level, they  infiltrate every facet of society, including our larger institutions such as the criminal justice system. When a 16-year old boy is found guilty of killing four innocent people while driving intoxicated and the presiding  judge claims he is not at fault for his actions because he grew up "privileged" and is sentenced to a treatment facility and probation (instead of prison), our world is clearly in grave danger of complete moral collapse. 

But we as individuals are not powerless and must not sit by idly and allow this dangerous trend to continue. Each of us who have remained silent and allowed this insanity to develop must now use our voices and influence to reverse this chaos. Individually and collectively we must:

1. Clearly define what our moral, societal, and personal values are.
2. Use our behaviors to reflect those values in everything we say and do and with all whom we encounter.
3.Proudly profess them where ever we go and to all whom we meet.
4. Speak up and loudly protest that which violates our values while demanding change.

Four steps - that's all it takes. We've watched silently as our world has deteriorated to a state of crisis. We must now act with every ounce of conviction within us to turn the tides and restore our world to its intended state of glory and honor.  

To order a copy of The Secret Side of Anger or The Great Truth visit

My Answer to "Who Needs Christ During Christmas?"

There's a billboard in Times Square that poses the question, ”Who needs Christ during Christmas?” Posted by the American Atheists, an activist group known for their controversial messages on billboards across the nation, this one depicts a hand crossing out the name of Jesus followed by a one word answer - “Nobody.” The next graphic tells viewers to “Celebrate the true meaning of XMAS,” which according to them includes charity, family, friends, and food.  

The purpose of this billboard is to declare that Christmas is better without Christ. According to the president of American Atheists, David Silverman, "this season has nothing to do with religion." He further instructs people to not go to church but instead spend time with family and friends or volunteer. "There are better uses of your time and money.” Silverman went on to say, " Christianity has been trying to claim ownership of the season for hundreds of years. The season belongs to everybody.” 

To Mr. Silverman and his followers, let  me clarify the inaccuracies of your statements: Christmas is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is HIS day and belongs to Him. Christmas cannot exist without Christ, hence the name "Christ - mas". The TRUE meaning of this sacred holiday is to remember the day God sent his only Son to save all of humanity, even those who do not have faith. 

No one is asking you to believe. If you want to celebrate the winter solstice by all means do so. But do not tell those of us who are followers of the Son of God what the true meaning of Christmas is. You are not qualified to do so. It's equivalent to saying Veteran's Day is not a day to honor and celebrate those who fought for our freedom and for those who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives so that you and I may live. (By the way: Jesus gave His life so that you and I may live eternally.) So who needs veterans on Veteran's Day? ALL of us do. It is the ultimate disrespect to remove the significance of that day set aside to honor them and replace it with something generic. The same goes for Mother's Day. Do we omit all moms and say it's a merely day set aside for good food and fun? What a slap in the face to mother's everywhere. 

But if this is the reasoning you use to try to make your point, then it is only fitting that we remove YOU from your birthday. NO ONE needs you. We can all simply celebrate friends and good times. You will no longer be invited. There are much more important things we can do with our time and money. 

Except, that we do need you, Mr. Silverman. We need you and all those who follow Jesus and well as those who don't. You, as with all of God's sacred children, deserve to be recognized and honored on the day of your birth because each of you has contributed something of value to the lives of others and to this world. And for that, this Christian is grateful. So please, celebrate as you wish this Christmas Day but do not tell me and my Christian brothers and sisters what the true meaning of this sacred day is. We already know.

To order a copy of The Secret Side of Anger or The Great Truth visit

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Peace on Earth, Beyond the Season

Ah, the holidays! A wonderful time of the year for many reasons: the birth of Jesus, Christmas decorations, the exchanging of gifts, families coming together to celebrate, and holiday carols that remind us of "peace on Earth, good will towards men". It' s a lovely sentiment that for most seems as elusive as the unicorn and as unattainable as achieving perfect health. How can we possibly have world peace when we cannot even get along with our spouses, parents, and siblings? Putting up with some of them for a brief amount of time during Dec. stretches our patience to the limit.

We've had great leaders like Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mohandas Ghandi, and of course, the Son of God, who devoted their lives to fostering peace within the hearts of humanity. Yet as I sit here in front of my computer, we still have troops in Afghanistan losing their lives in battle and violence in every corner of this world. In Matthew 5:9, the Lord tells us, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But who are these people? Why do some propose peaceful coexistence while others choose aggression and violence?

There are certain qualities associated with peacemakers such as compassion, kindness, confidence, and a sense of fairness. They respect all life as sacred and honor each form. Helpful, forgiving, and loving, they are all inclusive and embrace all of humanity as equals.

But we cannot expect the world to live harmoniously unless we first create peace within ourselves. And we do that by the following:

1. Remove all expectations from others and allow each person to be who they need to be.

2. Forgive all those who have mistreated  us, even those who do not apologize.

3. Choose kindness as a way of life.

4. Appreciate and validate all whom you encounter no matter how different.

5. Extend peace and love to all whom you meet every day, in every moment. 

Once  you have found peace within yourself, bring that into your family:

1. Encourage love, joy, and acceptance of all.

2. Be the peacemaker in disputes. Make an effort to help heal the rifts.

3. Make allowances for the imperfections of all members.

4. Be all inclusive; embrace every one.

5. See the value and goodness in each person and help them develop that.

6. Give them the benefit of the doubt when a misunderstanding or incident occurs.

Then extend your peacemaking efforts to your workplace and community. Nurture it and it will grow. Let peace become who you are. Let peace become your way of life.

In the words of John Lennon: "Image all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer... I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one." Peace, my friend.

To order a copy of The Secret Side of Anger or The Great Truth visit

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Spiritual Solution to Anger

I've spoken many times about the importance of all feelings, anger included. With every emotion we experience, we have the ability to learn much about ourselves. No feeling is inherently wrong. It's how we choose to express and use them that determines their value.
In The Secret Side of Anger, I address the three root causes of anger and how to heal each of them. Not being a proponent of control, I have found that the best approach is to understand why a particular feeling has emerged, how to express it appropriately (if doing so is necessary at all) and ultimately to heal it so there are no residual effects left to cause further problems in the future. I provide very practical strategies to do so. However, one can also take a purely spiritual approach to healing anger as well.  Let's examine each of the root causes and the spiritual solution to each. 

Hurt - people often say or do things that hurt us. Let me rephrase that: we allow ourselves to be hurt by the inconsiderate or rude behaviors of others. Anger, hurt, embarrassment - all feelings are a personal choice we make (albeit sometimes subconsciously). So how do we  prevent the actions of others to cause us pain? We must understand that behavior is an external expression of an internal issue. People act out what they feel. Their behavior is never about us. So we must learn not to take personal offense to it. We can respond with understanding (that they are human, they make mistakes, they sometimes act out inappropriately).  Be patient. What they are going through is a necessary part of their life's journey. Do not judge but rather be kind and forgiving (and throw in a few boundaries for good measure).

Fear, the second root cause, is based on a lack of trust, primarily in God. From a purely spiritual perspective, learning to have faith in a loving God who always has our best interest at heart allows us to feel more at ease with our current circumstance. Conversation with God, otherwise known as prayer, alleviates anxiety and worry. So pray. Ask for guidance, strength, knowledge, wisdom, direction. God reassures us that if we ask we shall receive. Rather than pray for what we want to have happen, pray for the ability to endure it and emerge with greater awareness.

Frustration goes hand-in-hand with fear. It's derived from the need to control. We want or expect things and people to be as we believe they should be. When what we are seeking is not forthcoming, we experience a sense of powerlessness - the very definition of anger. We're all familiar with the expression "Let go, let God". There is much wisdom in those four words. The Bible tells us that there is a time and a season for everything under Heaven. We were not meant to have everything work out according to our plans. Whatever enters our life is exactly what we are meant to experience. When things don't work out it's because they are not meant to. Perhaps, it would have not been in our best interest. Perhaps, God has something even greater waiting to manifest in our lives. Let go of the need to control. Allow life to unfold exactly as it is meant to. Allow others to be who they are, to learn and grow in their own time and in their own way as well. 

All roads lead to God. When we fully understand and choose to live life from this perspective, we are at ease with whatever and whoever enters and/or leaves our lives. All is exactly as it is meant to be so be at peace. 

To order a copy of The Secret Side of Anger or The Great Truth visit

Key words: #anger, #spiritual, #healing, #healinganger, #spiritualsolution